If you would have told me that I would be on the job hunt for 12 full months, I would have thought you were crazy. I thought my job search this time around would be easier because I had work experience on the resume instead of 10-week internships.
In some ways, it was easier in that I was eligible for more opportunities and thus granted more interviews...but that also lead to more rejections. It was a humbling year to say the least and I'm ready to move on. But can I tell you something? It really wasn't all that bad.
I can't say my time "off" wasn't productive nor was it wasted time. I learned a lot about myself and was able to do many things that I would not have been able to do while working. Here are the major things that I will take from this major challenge and test of patience:
10. "What do you do?" is really not the most important question. As an unemployed girl, I hated this question. When I would respond, "Oh, I don't work." or "I'm still looking for work." it's an instant conversation killer. No one know how to follow that up, and I always felt like sinking into a hole when it was brought up. I felt like a complete failure--it's as if you are not connected to the world if you don't have a job. When I did work, I defined my whole self by my job and being able to do it well. I was "successful". But truthfully, when I wasn't working, I was successful in a different way. . I've discovered I'm a great wife, I'm a dog caretaker extraordinaire, I am a good housekeeper, I love being with my family, and I love to spend entire days doing nothing but reading a book. What's so wrong with admitting that?
So, yes, I work again now, but seriously, ask me another question. I'm far more interesting than what I do to earn money.
9. Breakfast together is important. While not having to get up to get ready for work and juggling shower schedules with Tim just to get out the door, we both were able to get up at the same time AND have breakfast together everyday. I am going to make it a priority to have breakfast with Tim every morning that it is possible. We always got caught up on the plans for the day or the week or errands that needed to be run or chores that needed to be done. My morning time with him is irreplaceable and the morning work can wait for just 15 minutes longer.
8. Family comes first. Always. Did you know I used to live 30 minutes from my sister? Yeah, I'm sure she didn't realize that either. We only saw each other on occasional weekends and some weeknights. The main reason I didn't see her more? I stayed at work until 6 and then I was too tired to drive all the way into Columbus to spend a couple hours with her. Since I've had a relatively open schedule for the past year, I've made trips to Columbus for overnights and weekends, gone up to Northwest Ohio for weekends at Mom & Dad's, and been able to get away on Fridays with Tim to go to Buffalo for an extended trip. I was able to take care of Ava when she got sick last fall, go to lunch with my mom and grandma and explore the National Park. I felt more at peace doing these things than any time I've ever spent in an office. So, if I have time off, I'm going to use it. If the clock says I've worked my 8 hours, I'm going home. I'll be a better person for it.
7. There are lots of good stories out there. I've redeveloped my passion for reading. I have read so many interesting books this past year and I can't believe that I thought I never had the time for it before. I think reading makes me a better writer and expands my view of the world and ideas. I'm going to make sure I make time for it.
6. Some people are jerks; some people are kind. I've meet some interesting professionals along the way. Some, I've added to my network and I hope to keep in touch with them. Others need a serious ego check. I have learned how to treat people and how NOT to treat people. I should probably call all these jerks up and thank them because they showed me the kind of person I DON'T want to be.
5. I have an amazing husband. Tim and I have had some great adventures this past year and I can't wait for the ones to come. We've also had some challenging times, too---the kind that put your marriage to the test. I'm happy to say we aced them all. I've always loved Tim and been crazy about him, but having to put all my faith in him and rely on him 100% for the past year has really showed me that I have the perfect person for me. What other husband would listen through each trial and triumph and let his wife stay at home (and even initially turn down a job offer) to job search just to find the perfect position? I'm blessed. He's supported our family by himself, 100%, for 12 months.
4. Maybe I don't want to work forever. Maybe I just want to be a good wife and be a good mom someday. Maybe my biggest accomplishment will be becoming president of the PTO of Rootstown Elementary. Would that really be such a bad thing after all? Where did the feminist, ultra-independent Jessica go?
3. There's more for dinner than pasta sauce out of a jar and pizza. Having a little extra time to get dinner ready means we found a few more recipes to add to our repertoire. Taco chicken? Homemade pasta sauce? Grilled chicken? I'm not going to let our dinner not be tasteful and filling just because I'm working again. We ate good this past year!
2. Ava and Adora deserve more attention. Now, maybe they have gotten too much! I will miss them a lot when I go back to work, but I know that they appreciated me everyday for walks and a pet on the head or two. We only missed a few days in the winter from being outside to play. I can't believe we used to leave them in crates for 8-9 hours a day. I hardly ever came home to let them out for a pee break and I worked 5 minutes from home! I think they are much more content and I will continue to make sure I play with them and give them lots of love and exercise.
1. It all works out in the end. I am still searching for the reason I couldn't find a job for a year or that I had go through so many ups and downs to get here, but it all worked out, right? And just because I didn't have a job didn't mean that life sucked. We have always had a roof over our heads, food to eat, clothes to wear, gas in the cars, dogs to love and each other. That's way more than a lot of people have.
Tomorrow I will go back to work. And believe me, I'm seriously excited and I know this is an amazing opportunity. I am going to give 100% to my job, but this time around, I'm going to give even more to the really important things and people in my life. I'll be a new and improved Jess because of it. :)
Love to my loves:
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