Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Murder Mystery

It was 8:00 p.m. last night. Tim was occupied downstairs and I was upstairs in the office.

Neither of us were aware that a murder was taking place. Right in our own house.

It was Tim who discovered the carnage first.

Right on our stair steps, Bonjour Sheep was completely gutted.

Who could do this terrible thing? Who would kill an innocent sheep?

Then the killer stumbled by....

What a cold-hearted criminal. Didn't even care as she passed by the destruction she had created. The killer was most likely on her way to another victim. What a brazen criminal, too, to have the audacity to walk by the crime scene she had just created.

I suppose the sheep didn't even see it coming. Afterall, we discovered the killer had befriended him earlier that night, earning his trust. Below, moments before the vicious attack, the killer poses happily with the victim.

Only moments later to rip our all his insides and leave him to die on the stairs. (Below, notice the killer doesn't even try to hid her face.)

No trial was necessary to convict this criminal. The evidence was clear. There was only one killer to blame for this.

We are happy to report, the murder is solved and the killer is behind bars. The house is safe once again.

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