Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Myrtle the Fertile Turtle

OK- if I was ever going to set a New Year's Resolution, it should be to update my blog at more than just once a month. Not that you've been missing anything to exciting since 1-01-11 rolled around. Unless you think snow and ice and shoveling the driveway is exciting, well then you missed that. 

But let's start fresh and I'm here to tell you about a special purchase I made recently. I spied this little gem on another blog I read everyday and I knew I had to have one for myself. 

Every year for Christmas, we get so many generous gifts, including the money that Grammie Lou gives to all her grandkids along with their annual pajamas (and without Grammie, I would never own a pair of nice matching pajamas, so I am grateful for this gift!). I always save Grammie's money for a practical purchase or something necessary, even though every year she tells all of us to use it for something fun. 

So, this year, I did. 

I bought myself this: 

It is a gold turtle necklace I bought on Etsy.com from lunaCielo Jewelry in California. Before you think, "Ok, that's weird. A turtle necklace?" let me explain why this little charm means so much to me. 

Along with the necklace came a little card that reads this: 
The turtle is a symbol of longevity and wisdom. Incredibly, sea turtles have existed on Earth longer than any other vertebrate animal - they were here when dinosaurs evolved and became extinct, and they survived the Ice Age.

The turtle naturally withdraws and goes within when in turmoil. It does not need to learn the importance of this focusing inward, it naturally knows.

The turtle's whole life is one of steadfastness, effort, and patience. It lives a slow and steady life of "non-doing." There is a saying, "Home is where the heart is" - the turtle is always at home within itself.

I really liked what it meant - wisdom, strength, patience and being at home within oneself. And Native Americans believed it was symbolic of female fertility, and I like that part, too. 

It's just a small little symbol to remind me on the days I wear it to be strong, stay patience, have faith and know when to stop and take care of myself. I think it says a lot about where I want to be right now. 


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