My Grateful Heart
In college, my mom gave me a gratitude journal (remember, Mom?). I think she saw the author/creator on Oprah, and felt compelled to give me a copy of the Gratitude Journal to help get me through my homesickness during my freshman year. I'm sure she thought that if I was able to find the positive in five little things each day, it would improve my outlook on life.
I can't really say that it did...but I did diligently fill out that journal each day. Some days my five grateful things would be as small as "I got a good grade on my exam." or as redundant as "my family" (I was always grateful for that.). So today, while I'm feeling a little low or maybe a little nostalgic, are my five grateful things.
1. My girls.

I think about them all the time and I can't wait to see them when I get home. Nothing cheers me up more than their little faces and how excited they are to see me after a long day apart. I just love their personalities and how my life would not be complete without either one of them. They are part of my family.
2. Wednesday night television.
The Middle and Modern Family are on every Wednesday night. I love The Middle. The Hecks are such a hodgepodge family, but they are all together, for better or for worse...and it's hilarious. It makes the middle of the week worth looking forward to.
3. Hooded sweatshirts.
Believe it or not, I did not own a hooded sweatshirt until college. Up until that point, it was hoodless sweatshirts with sunflowers on them. Hooded sweatshirts were the epitome of cool. All the jocks in high school had them, and *sigh* it was just another reason I was so lame until age 19. But I love hooded sweatshirts and I especially love Tim's because they are usually big and comfy and cover all the blobbiness of the day.
4. My car.
It dependably gets me to and from work each day. It rides great. And I can listen to music from my iPod. I'm very grateful for this reliable car that gets great gas mileage.
5. Tim. My grateful heart just wouldn't be the same without him.
He's the best of the best. There is truly no better fit for me than Tim Ulbrich. He makes me laugh on a daily basis and can be silly with me and forget the seriousness for awhile (today it was while shopping in Wal-Mart buying a stud finder so we can hang the wine rack...Tim: "What do you think this thing would do if it got near me? It would probably start beeping!" This is seriously an overused and lame line, but I still laughed.) And even if you put him in a line-up with Tobey Maguire, Clive Owen, Josh Hartnett...I would still and definitely pick Tim. He is that hot.
So, that's what I'm grateful for today. Maybe it's time I broke out that Gratitude Journal again. What are you grateful for today?
I'm thankful for:
ReplyDelete1. Friends like you
2. My cute little furry gal, Lizzy
3. The sense of accomplishment I get from creating things with my own hands
4. Online shopping while at work ;)
5. And Wed. night TV too!!! I like the ones you mentioned and the new one, Better With You (I think that's what it's called)
Extra thankfulness for the amazing rescue of the Chilean miners and the way people from around the world came together to make it happen. (I watched the 20/20 special last night and cried for the first half hour...hearing from them and their families was unbelievable!)