It is crazy to think how quickly time is flying by.
In about 15 weeks or so, we will be meeting our son for the first time. As each day passes, we realize we are quickly running out of time to get everything ready for his arrival. And as type A planners - this just won't do.
So, after nearly 23 weeks of doing nothing baby related, we finally started to work on his room. We didn't need to paint since we had already done that last summer by choosing a nice color of Mount Rainer. It must have been destiny to have a boy after all - the color is perfect for him. We've always known this would be our baby's room, but while there was no baby, the room became a storage place for the ironing board, shelves, clothes to go to Good Will, etc. It was, well, a disaster and not fit for our little guy.

We knew the color scheme would be based around the light blue walls and include chocolate browns, navy blue and accents of white. With the windows, I had always imagined chocolate brown bamboo shades and thick white curtains, but bamboo shades wouldn't block out enough light to create a dark little cocoon for him. That's when Tim talked me into plan B - white blinds (like the kind we have in our family room) and chocolate brown curtains - a classic reverse of the same colors that I loved.
We ventured to JC Penney and found some awesome chocolate brown curtains that look totally BOY. Then, we went to our favorite home improvement store - Lowe's - and picked up some faux white blinds. After Tim battled with getting the drill through the window frame (we have struggled with this every time we hang blinds), we got the blinds and curtains up and ta-da - it began to look like a real baby's room.
And we already have one piece of artwork hanging...a drawing of a dog face that looks like our favorite blonde girl, Ava. We want to incorporate those little touches of our life before our little guy - like our two four legged babies or polar bears in tribute to where his mom and dad met.
Stay tuned as we post more pictures as his room comes together. Other room items to take care of:
-Dresser/changing table
-Storage bins/shelves/bookshelf?
-Hang artwork
-Wall quote?
At least we won't have to worry about his wardrobe - thanks to Grammie and Jackie, he's already got a stylish set of clothes so he won't go naked!